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Isabelle Evans

Peridance Contemporary Dance Company

Isabelle Evans is originally from Dorset, England, where she began her dance education at TLW Dance, under the direction of Tiffany Longley-Wolff.  She was a member of The English National Ballet’s Youth Company for two years. Isabelle graduated cum summa laude from the Ailey/Fordham BFA Program as a recipient of the Fordham University Faber Award in May 2023 and is a member of Peridance Contemporary Dance Company under the direction of Igal Perry. Isabelle was also a young cast member of Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures performing in his award winning adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Additionally, she has performed works by Mark Baldwin, Paul Lightfoot and Sol Leon, William Forsythe, Chanel DaSilva, Dolly Sfeir, Morgann Runacre-Temple, and Christian von Howard.  In addition to dancing professionally, Isabelle also creates her own work and opened the American Dance Guild performance festival with a self choreographed solo.